Thursday, December 31, 2009

Buon Anno!

Happy New Year!

Tonight's the night for fireworks in Prato della Valle, if it doesn't get rained out.

I won't be in town for it but here is a photo from a former pyrotechnic display in town.

Photo from gad_jet's flickr photostream.


  1. Ciao Irene,
    Although I do not take the Italian classes any longer, I went to the dinner tonight and saw your mother. She told me about your blog and I just checked it out. I am so glad I will have this venue to keep in touch on what's going on with you.
    Buon anno a te--I hope the remaining 11 months are good ones.
    Phyllis (

  2. P.S. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you both much happiness and good health.
    Tanti auguri!
    Phyllis (Iervello)
