Two weeks left
The race is on
The piazzas are full
Campaigning stands
Bold banners.
Election posters
Dot the city
And travel on trucks
Twenty regions vote their fate
Today I was in Piazza della Frutta and found a novel promotion gadget: the tissue packet.

This makes me think of snot.
It's an interesting image since Italian politics is sticky and gross from the inside (of the system), just like snot.
Yet you gotta live with it.
There's another expression that comes to mind about Italian politics: "It blows!"
That is just what I am doing with my new tissues-

Viva le elezioni!
Notice the instructions on the tissue packet and election ballots, in general:
The "x" marks your choice in an election was shocking to me at first. As an American, a check (or the British, tick) marks when you are in favor of something and an "x" is the act of crossing out. Here in Italy, the "x" is what means, "yes". How exactly opposite! My gut reaction each election season still leads me to steer away from that particular mark.
(Ruffato, you are really trying hard with your gadgets but we all know that Luca Zaia is going to win, even though he's from the Lega Nord.)
I know what you mean about the X. I have confused so many students over the years with that... still haven't gotten used to it. --Angelica